What is call tracking?
Call tracking allows you to measure which sources are driving calls into your business, track conversions and provide insights into customer behavior.
Can IOVOX Enterprise integrate with other software, such as web analytics tools and CRMs?
Yes, IOVOX can integrate with other software solutions like Google Analytics, Salesforce and AdWords. Contact us for more information about our current and upcoming integrations.
What is required to start using IOVOX Enterprise?
From a simple set up to a full integration, the process will vary depending on your project. Get in touch with us and we will guide you through the required steps to get you started.
Why should I track calls?

Tracking calls gives you visibility on a valuable lead source often neglected: the phone. A phone call is considered by over 60% of SMBs as the most valuable lead source* and with the rise of mobile search, 7 out of 10 customers click to call a business from search**. Get transformative business insights and start monitoring which areas of your marketing (digital and offline) are performing well and which areas need improvement.

(*Source: 66.4% - BIA/Kelsey Local Commerce Monitor™ Q3/2013)
(**Source: Google - The role of click to call in the path to purchase - Sept 2013)
What data can I get using IOVOX Enterprise tracking numbers?
IOVOX collects analytics on your calls (e.g. caller details, date/time of call, call result), allowing you smarter call routing and giving you in-depth insights on your business calls to understand when customers call and why.
What type of phone numbers do you provide?
IOVOX offers a wide choice of phone numbers from local numbers to toll-free numbers. Contact us to know more about the numbers we can provide you.
What is your coverage?
We provide trackable phone numbers from over 60 countries to our partners all over the world serving more than 300,000 small businesses.
How many phone numbers will I need?
The amount of numbers required depends on several factors. Our team will work with you to make sure that it fits your budget. Numbers can be provisioned in real-time making sure that you never run out of numbers.
How long does it take to get new phone numbers?
IOVOX Enterprise allows you to provision numbers straight away. We offer real-time provisioning for real-time analytics.
Can IOVOX Enterprise integrate with my system?
IOVOX Enterprise can be integrated as needed via our REST API. Our dedicated team will happily assist you along the integration process. Contact us to get more technical information about our REST API.
What kind of support do you provide?
With offices across the world, we offer a 24/7 support. Contact us to know more about our Service Level Agreements.
Is it possible to keep my IOVOX Number(s) if I leave?
We hope you never want to move your IOVOX Numbers away. But if you do need to, we have porting agreements with all the main carriers. By porting it away, your IOVOX Numbers will become a classic number without the analytics layer that we provided you. Please Contact us about any matter related to porting numbers.
Is it required to change existing telephone service provider to use IOVOX Enterprise?
You can get started right now without having to change any of your existing equipment. We simply route calls to your existing landline or mobile phone service. See it as an extra layer that provides you with granular analytics about your business performance and your marketing effectiveness.
I'm not sure how your solution can help me
Don't worry. We are here to help. Get in touch with us to define how IOVOX Enterprise can help you and your business.
How can I access the data collected?
The data we collect belongs to you. You can easily access and extract it via the portal or request it via our REST API.
How can I test IOVOX Enterprise before committing?
IOVOX can create a trial account for you, please contact us to move forward with your requirements.
Do you provide training?
Absolutely, we supply onsite or webinar training, documentation and 24/7 support.
How much does IOVOX Enterprise cost?
Pricing is dependent on multiple factors, such as: country and number type. Service used eg: tracking numbers, SMS, Click2Call. booking engine and more.
Is there a cancellation term?
This will be dependent on your contract; terms will be worked out prior to contract signing.

Global brands, plus 300,000+ small businesses trust our call tracking technology. Join them.

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Sync, Collaborate, and Share calls

Sync, Collaborate, and Share calls